Since 1972, we have produced and designed dividing walls and equipped walls that define and create workspaces in office environments. Our successful partnerships have allowed us to carry out national and international projects and made us an active part in the creation of different environments as we define features that influence people’s wellbeing and work processes.

Our collections
Specializing in the manufacturing and design of glass and opaque demountable partitions walls and equipped walls, Nordwall features customizable lines with different shapes that can create distinctive, functional, and acoustically isolated environments through the use of characteristic aesthetic approaches.
“To realize” means to act in a concrete way towards a desired or previously established goal, to make it palpable or real.
This is the added value that Nordwall puts into the projects it develops. Active partnership with clients, making our own competence and expertise available in order to make expressed requirements a reality.
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Sabah Al-Salem & University City
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